Monday, August 13, 2007

Captioning the Imagination

I took this in the Zoological Museum in Cambridge last week. It's crying out for a witty caption. Any ideas?
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Guess which one is George Bush?! My mind is a bit addled by the rain at the moment ;-)
A good start, but as bit unfair. Apes are highly intelligent, you know.

It has been a trifle wet of late, has it not? I'd wager that your garden is a festival of verdancy.
You mean the Piltdown Hoax WAS a hoax??????
"Will the real Shakespeare please stand up!" He is buried in Holy Trinity, (as if you didn't know) and the last line of his epitaph is: "...And curst be he that moves my bones." What a great way to spend a day! This is a wonderful display.
Very good, Annie and B. Sorry for the slow reply. We've been besieged by builders and then been away.
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