Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lacewings in my primrose, gave the game away..

I noticed yesterday morning that lacewings had taken up residence in our evening primrose. Does anyone have any idea why?

They were probably just feeding on the nectar or pollen in your evening primrose...I know that's what the adult lacewings go after. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog...hope you visit again:-)
This must be symbiotic relationship somehow. Are all your evening primrose plants yellow? Maybe this is the only place where the sun is shining 24/7? You might check the other colors if you have them. Maybe the plant chemistry changes in the coolness of the evening. I love the look of the insect trying to 'embrace' the flower. Neat.
Thanks for those suggestions. I'll keep a close eye on them.
Jeremy, they may be feeding on aphids. Check your plant closely expecially underneath the leaves.

Like your blog. I'll be back to explore more. :)
Aphids in Jeremy's garden? Are you kidding? :)
I wouldn't worry too much - these are wonderful 'bugs' to have in the garden. Are evening primrose classified as a weed in the UK? they are here in Australia.
The lacewings suddenly departed en masse. I have been checking at all times of day. If they were eating aphids, then they must have finished them off. The plants certainly look healthy.

Evening primrose are not really classified as a weed here, at least not in my garden. I know that it is possible to buy seeds for them and that there are cultured varieties for people who can't stand the thought that nature is prevailing.
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