Friday, May 26, 2006

Q.How do you get two whales in a car?

A. Drive south along the M5 and turn off at the M50.
(Joke courtesy of my daughter Ella's jokebook).

We are just packing for a week's holiday in sunny W(h)ales. Hopefully I'll report back with some pictures of mountains and tales from the valleys.

Ella's got her dad's sense of humor. Have fun in W(h)ales.
I was loking at the BBC and found that there is a climate blog and they are coming from Cambridgeshire and Wicken Fen next week.
Looks like you are going away.
Enjoy your break.

Here is the BBC blog site
My best wishes for a fantastic holiday. I have always wanted to visit Cardiff and Swansea. I can hardly wait for the photos. Be safe on the road.
Is that like Jeremy was swallowed by two w(h)ales?
A week without a peake is a bleak week indeed! Let's have those photos, Jeremy!
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That darn Biene. She took the words right out of my mouth.
Hey, Annie, guess who's monitoring his blog!
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